We educate through science in action
At Tyson, we fully integrate our educational programming within our research activities. We provide enthusiastic pre-college and undergraduate students with hands-on research experience in the natural and environmental sciences. The resources of Tyson Research Center are also available to educators at other regional colleges and universities.
We do not accept volunteer help or unpaid labor for research led by Tyson-affiliated Principal Investigators. As part of our our commitment to social justice we strive to provide equitable access to research opportunities by paying fair wages for research assistance. Exceptions to this rule are for specific circumstances such as when a student is conducting an independent research project in exchange for course credit during the academic year, or participation in student group activities through the Tyson Conservation Corps or ESA SEEDS STL.
Learn more about our educational opportunities
“I learned more about team dynamics in a work setting. Also I learned about the methods behind many ecological research projects; both those being done at Tyson, and the others through reading papers and listening to seminars.”
Former Tyson Undergraduate Fellow
Become a part of the Tyson community
Something that has become common at Tyson is the return of our young people. Undergraduate fellows participate for multiple summers and high schoolers return as undergraduates. Many often come back for our weekly summer seminar and dinner. The identity as a member of the Tyson community exerts a strong pull and provides for continuing networking and career preparation.
Learn about our programs for undergraduates