Humans of Tyson 2023
Ally Moonier
High School Apprentice
Mosquito Team
What's your team been up to today?
It's been pretty good. We talked about our t-shirt designs and Tyson Olympic events and I helped one of my friends count larva this morning. We had to count 400 of them, and we actually had more than we needed. So it was interesting to see that so many of them can fit in the bowl… they're so small.
What's been a fun part of your day at Tyson?
“I love when I get to socialize with people, while still being able to be productive and working.”
I like talking with everyone. It can be about mosquitoes or it can be like, completely random. We have this ongoing thing that our team needs to form a band because we know how to play various instruments. I love when I get to socialize with people, while still being able to be productive and working. The environment is so good, we're all comfortable around each other. I don't have to work up courage to get someone to help me with something.
What's your instrument?
The violin. There’s a tuba, and I think someone else plays the clarinet, so we have some wind instruments. Then the violin, and I think someone can play the bass guitar. I heard few people can play the drums... So yeah, just a lot of very random instruments. I don't know if they'll be cohesive at all whatsoever, but we do have a band.